Depuis 20 ans, Clarins est fier d’agir pour les générations futures.
Grâce à des initiatives durables, Clarins s'engage en faveur de l'éducation et encourage les enfants du monde entier à rêver de leur propre avenir.
41 millions de repas distribués par le biais des partenariats Clarins depuis 2011
Clarins x Mary's Meals : pour un avenir plus radieux
Dans le cadre de notre engagement pour la protection des générations futures, Clarins s'est associé à Mary's Meals pour offrir des repas scolaires qui ont un impact positif sur la vie des enfants de certaines des communautés les plus pauvres du monde.
Ce programme garantit un repas nourrissant aux élèves de l'école, encourageant les enfants à venir en classe et les aidant à apprendre efficacement.
Depuis son lancement en 2002, 2,4 millions d'enfants ont été nourris chaque jour à l'école dans 18 pays d’Afrique, d’Asie, des Caraïbes, d’Europe de l'Est et d’Amérique du Sud.
Des repas qui changent leur vie
Bénéficier d’un repas à l'école est essentiel : il donne envie aux enfants d’aller à l'école et encourage les parents à les y envoyer.
Les repas scolaires présentent des avantages à court et long terme : un repas régulier donne aux enfants l'énergie nécessaire pour se concentrer et apprendre de manière plus efficace, mais aussi de jouer comme les autres jeunes de leur âge.
En allant régulièrement à l'école, ils auront de meilleures chances de recevoir une éducation et des opportunités plus nombreuses à l'avenir.
Le futur commence ici
Chez Clarins, notre développement a toujours été indissociable du besoin d'aider la planète et la société. C’est donc tout naturellement que nous avons commencé à travailler avec Mary's Meals. Il était essentiel d’aller encore plus loin dans notre engagement pour soutenir ces gens qui font un travail si admirable pour aider à répondre à deux besoins vitaux présents chez tous les enfants : la nutrition correcte et l'éducation. »
Virginie Courtin, Directrice Générale de Clarins
A meal today. A dream tomorrow
Meet some of the volunteers and children whose future is brighter than ever thanks to Mary's Meals.
Mona, 14, Yemen
“The meal is delicious with varied food. It enables me to better understand the lessons and do my homework.”
Mona is one of more than 4,000 children currently being served Mary’s Meals at school each day in the Aden district of Yemen. Girls in Yemen typically attend less than 3 years of schooling in their lifetime. By providing a guaranteed meal in school, children are encouraged back to the classroom.
Ulemu, 15, Malawi
“My academic performance has improved since I joined Chigodi Primary School.”
Ulemu is one of Chigodi Primary School’s newest students where Mary's Meals has already begun its mission. There are millions of children not fulfilling their potential in school because they simply don’t have enough food to eat.
Esther Wah, Liberia
“I am a cook at this school because I want the children to learn and transform the society. Through volunteering, I have learned new skills such as preparing and serving food to large numbers of people.”
Esther is a volunteer cook at Jemima Carter Memorial Institute in Liberia and her 3 children receive Mary’s Meals.
Jad, 10, Lebanon
“For me learning is the most important thing. It will help me to find a job in the future and also achieve all my dreams.”
Jad is one of 3 children whose mum volunteers for Mary’s Meals. She works in the kitchen each day, preparing food for more than 1,400 children in schools around Beirut.
Ashley, 13, Zimbabwe
“It’s so hard to do tough exams when you’re hungry. With the porridge, my concentration is better. I want to be a nurse because there are lots of people to treat.”
Before Mary’s Meals began serving meals in Ashley’s school in rural Zimbabwe, she would have no option but to spend her time in class hungry.
Emmanuella, 17, Zambia
“I like the Mary’s Meals porridge because it helps me concentrate better in class. When I am hungry, I feel lightheaded. I want to finish school to make life better for my family.”
Thanks to Mary’s Meals, Emmanuella, a pupil at Madzi Atuwu Primary School in Zambia, receives a regular, nutritious meal every school day. This is encouraging and enabling Emmanuella and her school friends to attend school.
Ahmed, 11, Lebanon
“It’s good that I’m eating well as it gives me energy for football. Sometimes my father asks me to support him, but I tell him I prefer to participate in the activities at school.”
Ahmed receives Mary’s Meals at Alay Community Centre, in Lebanon. There is an open playground where he loves to go to and play football. Mary’s Meals is helping football-loving Ahmed to stay in school and keep striving towards his goals.
Prosper & Advocate, 7 & 13, Zimbabwe
“The changes in the children who before did not eat a lot, and after when they began to eat the porridge, it is like they are different children. They are happy. And they continue with studies."
Thanks to Mary’s Meals in Zimbabwe, Advocate and her younger brother, Prosper, will receive a daily meal.
Advocate enjoys school and is determined to make the most of her time there as she wants to become a nurse in the future.
Mandowa Daka, 58, Zambia
“With Mary’s Meals, I have seen a rise in the number of pupils that come to school. In the past, we have had different programs implemented at the school, but none have been able to fully get the community on board like Mary’s Meals.”
Mandowa Daka is the head teacher at Lunga Primary School in Zambia. Mary’s Meals’ school feeding programme has been running at this school since 2021 and Mandowa has noticed significant changes since the meals were first served.
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